'I-Diary'에 해당되는 글 33건

  1. 2018.06.23 Perfect One Day Project
  2. 2016.04.11 나에게 들려주는 이야기 4
  3. 2013.10.10 Small talk with junior in university
  4. 2012.06.16 I dreamed of the woman whom I had a crush on 2
  5. 2010.06.08 He is more eager for success than me. 1
  6. 2010.05.04 Keep a diary in about a week
  7. 2010.04.25 After reading "Don't Eat the Marshmallow"
  8. 2010.04.22 Reserve forces training
  9. 2010.04.20 For higher position
  10. 2010.04.13 In my office.
2018. 6. 23. 17:19

Perfect One Day Project

To learn and to grow up, it gives me a sense of achievement. I have realized the


importance of working on self development constantly. So I formed a campaign


named 'Perfect One Day Project' three weeks ago, which aims to practice productive


activities, such as a study or an exercise. I have recruited fellow members to join this


campaign together. I formed this campaign so that I can make an effort with fellow


members to create good habits. As you know, it's difficult to do productive activities


consistently. Especially, if you try to do it alone, you may give up earlier than you


thought. That's why I recommend that you join this campaign. I'm looking forward


to bringing many positive changes in us. Of course, it doesn't mean we don't have


any rules to follow in this campaign. Let me tell you about the kinds of rules simply.


First of all, if you are able to achieve some productive activities, you should post


what you did on our chatroom on that day. You should post the time of how long it


takes and the kind of activitiy you did in more details. Finally, you should attach


some evidence, such as photos or text that can be used as proof. Once you post


your activity on our chat room, I will feed the statistics information back to you


every friday night. I'm sure that this campaign will really help us to try to do the


productive activities harder.



Written by Simhyeon, Choe


2016. 4. 11. 01:53

나에게 들려주는 이야기

약 7년간 대기업에서 소프트웨어 엔지니어로 회사 생활을 하며 내가 느낀 것은 과연 이 회사


생활이 정말 내가 원했던 것인가하고 나 스스로에게 의문을 던지게 한다.


"심현씨, 이거이거 해주세요. 오늘까지 꼭 해야돼요."




그런 업무들이 끊임없다. 내가 아닌 제품을 위한 업무들의 연속이다. 이것이 내가 진정으로


원했던 삶이던가...? 혹자는 말한다. "회사 생활이 다 그렇지 뭐. 대신 돈 많이 받잖아?"


그게 내가 원했던 길이었던가? 그럼 회사 생활 열심히해서 10년 넘게 다니고 수석된 후


수 억대 가량 모은 후에 건물 하나 사면 그게 최고인건가? 무엇을 위해? 나를 위해?


아니면 나 이외의 물질적인 가치와 금전적인 것들을 위해? 그것이 정녕 내가 바랬던 성공이었던가?


출근하고 밤 늦게 퇴근때까지 나는 거의 웃음없이 무표정으로 자리에 앉아서 그들이 원하는 코드를


만들어 주기에 바빴다. 주지 않으면 빨리 해야한다고 끊임없이 재촉하고 압박하는 것을


반복하고 삽질의 시간을 보내면서 그들의 원하는 것을 주면 아무일 없었다는 듯이 그게


그걸로 끝이다. 그러고는 또 다른 요청이 끊임없이 쇄도하고 처리해줘야 하는 무수한 반복의


연속이었다. 나라는 존재는 오로지 제품을 위해서 존재해야 했고 나의 건강, 나의 행복,


나의 삶의 질은 철저히 회사 제품에 의해서 결정되고 있었다. 그렇게 회사 생활 열심히 10년 넘게


다니면 정말 고생하고 장한 회사 생활일지도 모른다. 하지만, 반대로 그 10년은 잃어버린


청춘이 될테지. 혹자는 말한다. "어쩔 수 없어, 그렇게 살아갈 수 밖에 없는거야." 여기서 다시

질문하고 싶다. 그렇게 맹목적인 회사 생활하는 동안 너는 정말 즐거웠냐고. 너는 정말 너의 인생을

살아온거냐고. 수 년 넘게 회사 생활하면서 적어도 한 달 정도는 즐거웠던가? 그 한 달을 위해


수 년 간의 희생은 당연한건가? 그렇게 회사 생활 수석될 때까지 하면 정말 보람있었다고


생각하는 비중이 클까 아니면 후회하는 비중이 클까? 나의 인생은 우주의 수십 억 광년 빛의


속도 시간에서 티끌도 안되는 찰나일 것이기도 하지만 적어도 나에게는 길게 내다봐야 할 인생인데


내가 살고 싶은 삶이 아닌, 남에게 보여지는 삶을 살아가는 것은 너무나도 불쌍한 인생을 살다가


생을 마감할 때 후회하지 않을까? 지금은 나의 월급이 얼마냐, 나의 위치가 어디냐가 중요하지


않아. 지금 중요한 것은 내가 뭘 하고 싶어 하느냐인거지. 내면 어디엔가 웅크리고 있는 나의


잠재력을 다시금 끄집어 내는 것, 그리고 내가 주도하는 삶을 살아가야 하는 것, 바로 그것이


내가 지금 되찾아야 할 것들이지. 도전과 동기 부여는 내 삶의 테두리에서 내가 선택하고 결정한


삶의 안에서 만들어 가야할 부분이야. 나의 안이 아닌, 밖에서 존재하는 도전과 동기 부여는


실제로 내가 만든게 아니라 나 이외의 외압에 의해서 만들어진 허상에 불과하기 때문에


오래가지 않아. 왜냐하면 진정한 나의 안에서 우러나온 도전과 동기 부여가 아니기 때문이지.


나의 삶에는 나에게 선택권이 있고 그 선택에 따른 책임은 나에게 있어. 나는 회사 생활하면서


조금이라도 내가 선택할 수 있는 권한이 있었던가? 아니다.


그저 "네, 네, 네, 알겠습니다."하기 바빴지. 철저히 소모품인 나는 발전없이 제품에 기대어


기약없는 미래를 위해 일을 할 뿐이지. 언제나 조직 변화에 전전긍긍하며 다른 조직원들에 대해


떠들어 대면서 말이지. 그리고 내 자아의 내면 목소리는 철저히 죽인 채, 가식적인 얘기들을


그들앞에 늘어 놓는 것, 그런 직장인의 생활에 나의 미래를 맡긴다는 것은 참으로 측은하고


안타까울 뿐이지 않아?


... ...


그래, 내가 가야할 방향은 이제 좀 더 명확해졌어.


하얀 안개와 구름들 속에 가려져 보이지 않던 막막한 길에 걸어갈 용기가 싹트고 있지.


하지만, 여전히 두려운 것은 사실이야. 그동안 새장에 갖혀 있어서 내가 날개짓을 예전처럼


펼칠 수 있을까하고 두려움이 앞서 솔직히. 하지만 나아가야 해. 왜냐하면 나의 삶을 살기 위해서


숨어 있던 내면의 자아를 밖으로 솔직하게 끌어 내기 위해서 말이지. 그 길을 걷는 것에 대해


또다른 시련과 후회가 찾아올지도 몰라. 하지만 이 경험을 통해 진정한 내 자신을 발견하고 새로운


인생의 이정표를 발견할 거라고 굳게 믿고 있어. 두려워하지마. 남들과 비교하지말고 오직 나의


내면의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 그것에 집중해. 나를 믿고 또 나를 믿어.


나의 인생은 오로지 나의 것이니까.


Written by Simhyeon, Choe

2013. 10. 10. 00:10

Small talk with junior in university

I had small talk with junior in university by messenger after all these years. She has taken a gloomy view about herself and her career path. I felt as if she stopped intellectual and spiritual growth since I have known her for seven years. Also, She was no longer bouncy and passinate as she was student in university. I tried to make her think positively, but on the contrary she gave me thoughtless advice. She said that you should have the detailed plan to achieve your dream and then she quoted Allyson Felix's saying. What she said was both funny and shocking. At that moment, I really wanted to say her that Acknowledging yourself is what's important in life, but I didn't say her anything. Actually, I took this to be ironical, because she said to me that I don't have any dream. I thought she was really pathetic.



Written by Simhyeon, Choe


2012. 6. 16. 00:23

I dreamed of the woman whom I had a crush on

I dreamed last night that I met the woman whom I had a crush on six years ago.


I remember scenes from the dream distinctly. In my dream, I met her in front of her house.


I continually tried to go sweethearting her, but she coldly rejected me. She has already lived


with a man in her house. The moment I saw the situation made me very sad though I just


dreamed. I woke up from my dream soon. After awaking up immdiately, I was feeling down


becuase of the dream. I've seen her twice in Dongdaegu station and downtown in Daegu


long time ago. Since then I have never seen her again. Actually, I have not still forgotten


her. I can't stop thinking about her. I just think time heals all wounds.


Anyway, Have a good weekend everyone.




Written by Simhyeon, Choe




2010. 6. 8. 01:09

He is more eager for success than me.

I write on a blog for a long time, cuz I was busy with my job as ever.

When I surfed the net, I read articles in the blog that are written by someone.

He has written articles like me about success, but he writes better than I do.

His passion for success was amazing. I have been in the company for only

six month
and already seem to fall into mannerism.

I have to see around myself who settle for the present right now.

Let's go to bed for our new day!

Written by Simhyeon, Choe

2010. 5. 4. 01:41

Keep a diary in about a week

I keep a diary in about a week because I was busy with my job and project for a fairly

long time.
Was I tired because of those? No, I was never. All things was wonderful to

I think that I'm the guy that is the happiest when I learned. Come to think of it, A

native-speaking instructor teach me from today.
My heart leaps up because I can learn

more about speaking English.
He is three years younger than I but he looks older than

his age. : )
Nevertheless, He is a handsome guy. Perhaps I guess that he's popular

among women.
Anyway, I'm interested in everything so I feel very happy.

Yeah, I'm going to bed soon. Have a good night!

Written by Simhyeon, Choe

2010. 4. 25. 02:59

After reading "Don't Eat the Marshmallow"

I guess that I have ever eaten a lots of Marshmallows. That's why many things

been regreted at heart, but I want to say let bygones be bygones.

all, It is now that most important thing for me.
I would change mind and attitude.

My mind and attitude will determine my furture as being good.  Why don't you try

reading "Don't Eat the Marshmallow"?
I strongly recommend that you read the book.

I think that you can change your mind and attitude! Have a good weekend.

Thank you : )

Written by Simhyeon, Choe

2010. 4. 22. 14:43

Reserve forces training

I took reserve forces training yesterday. I have never worn a military

uniform since I retired from the army, but I was difficult to wear in flesh.

I really need to go on a diet. haha. It began raining from late evening,

and therefore I took reserve forces training in a room. Actually, It wasn't

hard to do training. When I took training, I lost in the memories about my

military life. I thought that my military life was unforgettable memories

becuase I learned social lifes.

After training, I went to straight my home by bus at late night. Thank you : )

Written by Simhyeon, Choe

2010. 4. 20. 13:31

For higher position

I'm busy with my job everyday. Recently I have studied an English hard. My

ability to speak in English is still at a beginning level, but getting better and better.

I didn't take an English class yesterday because I hung out with my friends

at the PC room a little late, but I didn't regret my decision. These days I have

had a lot of thoughts about my future. I want to continues my studies related

to my major and English. I hope to go to glad school for a high level of training.

I want to stand higher position then now. That's all. Thank you.

Written by Simhyeon, Choe

2010. 4. 13. 21:11

In my office.

I'm being alone now in my office because I'm having short project and my assignment.

It is not so bad than I thought. I`m going to get off in my company at 9:20 P.M.

My ability to write in English may seem a terrible. haha. I'm entirely in agreement

with that.
I want to study English until I'm fluent. I'm not enough as ever. Yeah, I'll

be through in a few minutes. I'm going to read a book at home. haha.
Thank you,

and have a good night everyone!

Written by Simhyeon, Choe